Thursday, September 22, 2011

Katherine competes in her First horse show!

This past Sunday, Katherine competed in her first horse show. She was in the lead line division.

She did a great job! There were two other girls in her division. Annabeth, who is a week older than Katherine, and in her kindergarten class. They go riding together too. The judge thought they all did such a fantastic job that he awarded them all 1st place!!

She was so excited.

Below are some pics of her in the show and with her friend, Annabeth.

Wes wanted to ride so bad. It is so hard to be little!

Brushing Jack afterwards!

This is Katherine'e teacher, Sierra. She is an incredible rider and wonderful young woman. We love her!! She won her division and received a belt buckle! Way to go Sierra!

Katherine got to rider Annabeth's horse, Star, after the show.

Sierra is so patient with the kids. They never want to stop and she just leads them round and round.

Kelly wants to get me out riding. I may be her most difficult student. Katherine says, "Don't worry Mom, I will teach you!"

1 comment:

Jenny said...

katherine - you make such a beautiful rider!